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Showing posts from January, 2018

New Phase

I have a major announcement to make.  My excellent companion, Karla, has decided to take a break from the Connect Michigan project. I will miss our conversations and long drives. But the program must move forward.  The idea is that two diverse people should ride for hours, in a car, discovering all of Michigan by way of traveling our extensive state highway system. We would be forced to talk, and listen, and gain perspective. It beats the heck out of trying to solve problems on Facebook.  Read this . I don't know if I'm a Liberal. I know I'm a classic Liberal. I'm certain that I am a Progressive in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt. I read a good quote by Rutherford Hayes, in which he stated that he is a radical in goals, but Conservative in tactics. That comes close. For this project, I do need a Liberal companion to get the full benefit of the project. It's because I find myself defending the Conservative position . . . I understand it and mean it...